(Roughhousing that men really want)
Remember when you were little your and your friends would come
over? Invariably a wrestling match would break out.
It wasn't the result of anger or insult, but more likely
from him hitting you in the shoulder, you retaliating and then the whole thing
blossomed into a giant, roll on the floor, knock over the lamp, wrestle
fest. Usually ending when either
you or he said "uncle."
This is normal male behavior. It's as common as wanting the biggest piece of pie or
wanting to be the captain of your pick-up baseball game.
Face it, men are just an aggressive,
competitive species. Some say it’s due to our testosterone levels or some believe it's evolutionary.
This behavior doesn't end at childhood though. We carry it
throughout our adult life. You see
it when males are together in bars, when they get together in board rooms, in
congress, well, just about everywhere. Men just keep competing against each
This isn't really a problem though, except that females hate this behavior in adult males. To them, this is "childish" behavior. They deem it this because
they've seen it in men since childhood and equate it to that time.
As I brought up in a previous blog, women have been allowed to decide
what is or isn't emotion and so have decided that men are not as emotional as themselves. This is also
the case with adult behavior.
Women have been allowed to set the parameters of what is or isn't adult behavior.
So when you are at a sports bar with your bro, and suddenly elbow
him in the side after you make the best comment of the day and he invariably
elbows you back and lets you know that he is far more witty after those five
beers. Well, according to the female species, you are acting like a child.
There are other examples of male behavior in which you can elicit
females to roll their eyes and mutter under their breaths, "grow up."
Things such as racing another male to the end of the block, arguing with your
neighbor about something you don't really care about, you just want to argue,
or insisting on going to that movie just because there are more explosions.

Just like they did with
Mrs. Beasley and Mittens when they were little girls.
Or even more likely, put
on a fashion show for their besties with the latest purchases from some super
expensive shoppe (or boutique) just like they did with their mother's clothes
when they were eight.
Basically, their adult behavior is just the very same things they
did as children.
It's just more acceptable because, we'll, it's less violent
and of course, because they say so. Just like what emotions are okay, society
has said they get to pick what is grown up.
So next time you're passing some outdoor cafe and see a gaggle of
laughing females enjoying high tea and scones, roll your eyes, look disgustedly
at them and say (loud enough for the whole place to hear) "why don't you
little girls grow up?"
Maybe if this happens often enough, we can begin to even the
playing field in a few decades.
(Men don't really mind when women dress up like this)
images from: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/