In ancient times, maybe, oh, 20 years ago, I
remember an ad by some company selling this newfangled contraption called a
cell phone. A rather large phone receiver device you could carry with you
(believe it or not, the first one was developed in 1973).
In the ad, a
woman carrying groceries goes nuts when she hears the phone ring in her house a
short distance away. Of course she drops her groceries as she attempts,
unsuccessfully, to vault the bushes by her front porch. Her neighbor has a cell
phone and easily answers her call while carrying her grocery bags.

Nowadays the stereotype of the cell phone user is
just about everyone. Same scenario of course. They are oblivious to their
surroundings, have the phone to ear constantly, talking/texting about the daily
Well, when I say everyone, I am excluding us old guys.
We old farts hear the cell phone ring and let it
go to voicemail. We might return the call after the football game is over. There
is a good chance that if a friend calls from down the block we'll just walk
down and see him rather than call.
If we wonder if the local store has that new
screwdriver we want we'll most likely go there and look around rather than call
and ask. We laugh when the phone addicts say they need to have the phone with
them 24/7 in case they get an emergency call from their ailing Mother. We know
that 99.99% of the calls are about what cheese to buy for a sandwich or whether
we like the black or red evening dress the wife wants to buy.
I admit I broke down and bought a smart phone a
half year ago (it was a cheap $70 one). Previously I just had an
"ancient" flip phone that I used occasionally. I got rid of my
landline a long time ago, but still would leave the phone in the other room and
eventually answer any voicemail. The smart phone hasn't changed me either. I
still don't know how to use most of the apps (and don't use them).
However, I am addicted to my computer and iPad.
In fact, I wrote most of this blog on my iPad at Einstein Bros. Bagels and the Blackstar Coop (my favorite brewpub). If I need to find where some store is located I
will most likely look on my computer at Google Maps. If I wonder what a word
means I am more likely to flip open my iPad rather than go get the dictionary.
Weird right? After all, many smart phones are
pretty much mini computers.
I bring up my feelings about phones
because I keep running into people who feel the same way—but about eBooks.
Just the other day I noticed a friend who had
posted a comment on Facebook (I was using my computer, not phone) stating she
absolutely hated eBooks with a passion. Swore she would only read paper versions.
She, of course, is one of those who uses her cell phone for everything from
calendar notices to, well, Facebook comments.
I love eBooks. I have about 50 books on my
iPad. You would need a suitcase to carry around that many paper versions. If
I'm alone at a dark bar, I might whip out an eBook to while away the time as I
sip my favorite IPA. Can't do that with a paperback unless you also use your
cell phone as a light. If the font is too small I can enlarge it at will. With
a paper version you'd have to get your magnifying glass out. If I don't
recognize a word, I just highlight it and get the built-in dictionary to look
it up for me. With paper you have to set the book down and go to the other room
for your paper dictionary.
Oddly, I got into eBooks because of a TV show
about paper.
For the longest time I only read paper books.
Then one night I watched an episode of “The Office.” Mike was droning on about how great paper was, when he
mentioned how you could read an eBook on a small device. Darryl (Craig
Robinson) overheard him and the next scene we discover he’s hiding in a storage
room and is reading a book on an e-reader. I was intrigued.
So I got a free e-reader for my computer and
downloaded a free copy of “The Deerslayer.” I think I had read the CliffsNotes
version during junior high, and have always felt an obligation to eventually read the whole thing.
So I tried the eBook. I was hooked.
Admittedly, there are a lot of eBooks that are
just as expensive as paper ones, but for the most part, you can find a book
cheaper if it’s electronic. I’m sure students all over the globe wish that all
of their text books were eBooks. Paper ones often cost close to $100 (typically
those evil chemistry ones), so an eBook would likely be a little less. Plus,
they’d love to be able to whip it out on their cell phones and read today’s
chapter while riding the bus to class rather than fumbling with that gigantic
paper version.
Plus, could you imagine someone reading a paper
textbook while in line for those Miley Cyrus tix? No, if not texting
their friends they’d be reading an eBook I'm sure.
Okay, I admit I’m a little biased because I have
three eBooks I’ve written that are for sale. You can see them listed on the
side of this blog. Hey, they’re very inexpensive and a great read, so give one
a try. Oh, and by the way, I published
them AFTER I began reading eBooks. I didn't become a fan of eBooks because of them. Did I mention that they are all great? Sorry.
So when those phone-addicted friends of mine
chide me and roll their eyes when I tell them about my aversion to phones, I
just ask them if they read eBooks. If not, I just roll my eyes and ask if they still use a rotary phone.
If they do read eBooks though, well, I usually
just say I’ll get better with phones after I read the eBook version of the phone manual.
(James Thurber would have loved that his writing
could be made into a modern reading version:
(some images courtesy of
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