Years ago,
when I was in the Army, my airborne unit was sent to Canada on exchange with
paratroopers from that country. On one of our side trips, we stopped in Banff
(they had a training facility there!). One night, a buddy and I went to a local
bar and ended up trying to pick up a couple of females. They turned us away by
saying they were waiting for their husbands. How were we to know? They didn't
have wedding rings.
Of course,
they could have been lying, or maybe in Canada they don't commonly exchange
rings when they exchange vows. The
thing is, they were sending out false signals to us. This is a common female

You always
hear stories about how men are "breast men" or "butt men",
etc. Supposedly this means that this is the feature those guys are most drawn to.
What this also means is that there is a certain order we use to scan females to
decide if we are attracted physically.

Another way
women mislead us guys, is when they dress provocatively, but are not really on the prowl (of course, when I say on the prowl, I mean they are hoping to meet
someone. Women don't ever take the offensive, they leave it to the male to make
first contact). So they may have dressed up to impress a girl friend, or more
likely, piss off an Ex, but they do not desire to be hit upon. If a male were
to throw a line their way, they would become super irritated, and would report
back to their girl friends how men are such dogs.

also the notorious smile and nod distraction. The guy passes by her while she's sitting on
a bar stool, and she smiles and nods her head at him. Could this be a sign? We often encounter females
on the street or in the hallway who smile casually at us. More than likely, they are just being friendly and not trying to send a signal. However, when they take the same technique to
someplace like a bar but don't mean it, well, it's sending us the wrong message. If a guy were to
make a pass at her, she would invariably turn the cold shoulder because she
didn't really mean the gesture as an opening. Maybe. We don't know until we take the chance.
So like
last blog, we see that males can't win. We keep getting these false messages
from females, and end up in frustration. It's enough to drive us to drink.
Which, of course, may be a good outcome from the situation. Since women don't
show any inclination to changing their behavior and making the first move, at
least they should help us guys by wearing signs to let us know that the right
guy has a chance. Oh, okay, if signs are too garish, at least quit sending those
misleading signals.
A clear signal
(images courtesy of
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