Face it, we men always stare at the female who walks into the bar with the painted on latex pants and sheer blouse. It's ingrained in our nature, harkening back to our caveman days when we fought for that cave woman who looked like she could bear us the most sons. Oh females will say it's due to our superficial nature, but as I noted in a previous blog, females are just as guilty of being superficial.
No it's really because we're sex-crazed animals and an attractive female brings it out in us. How she dresses really doesn't matter. Why, I remember Helen Hunt in Twister turning guys heads in just blue jeans and a tight white T-shirt.
how a woman dresses does matter to females. That's right, women don't dress to
impress men, they dress to impress other women. In fact, I'd venture to say
that every time a female decides to go out in public, she may SAY she's
dressing to get that guy, but she is really trying to say to other women,
"hey, look at me, I'm dressed to kill and all the guys can't keep away.
They not only want to impress the other females in the place, they want to outshine them.

You'll also
see this behavior at the gym. Men are trying to impress females, while women
are also trying to impress females. You'll see men pumping iron in any gym, but
notice how much more intense the lifting becomes once a cute female enters.
However, if
a female is lifting in the gym and a guy walks in, she doesn't have any change
in behavior. If a female walks in though, the other females not only begin to
work out harder to impress the new rival, they will also instantly begin to
analyze what the new person is wearing and rate her on that—not on her workout.
Of course,
this also plays out the same in the work place. The men in the office dress to
impress the females. Likewise, the females dress to impress the other
females. They'll wear the best clean clothes they have as long as there are
other females in the office. What
the men think of their dressing habits doesn't concern them because they know
that all they have to do to get a guy's attention is to swing by his desk and
touch him on the shoulder.
To impress
the other females though, they know they have to have better clothes. If they
get to the office and think that they have lost the competition, they will even
invent reasons why they are not dressed better. You know, something like, “oh,my
boyfriend spilled coffee on the blouse I was going to wear” or some other
explanation. Typically it involves a male causing the problem, which not only
helps her explain why she lost the competition, but also gives her points for
having a mate while the other may not.
So let’s
face it, we guys are easy. A woman walks by wearing tattered jeans and cut-away
T-shirt and we’ll go nuts because we think she’s almost naked. A woman seeing the same scene would
just think the other is a street person.
In a way,
this competition is a win/win deal for us men. So women, keep trying to impress
They are both impressive
(sports bra; other images curtesy http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/)