As noted in a previous blog, women don’t dress to impress men, they
dress to impress other women. Oh sure, you’ll find several who will but
on leather hot pants and halter top who have the aim to draw in men, but they
are more the exception. However, men more than likely dress just for comfort or
to express some level of society (ie, I got money, babe).
This phenomenon is reversed when it comes to weight.
“I used to be so skinny, but gained weight right after breaking my leg/giving birth/disasterous break up.”
They will genuinely attempt to lose the weight. After they begin a new relationship whether they begin to regain again or not often varies. But that’s a different blog.
Men completely reverse the attraction issue when it comes to weight. If they try to lose weight and get fit, it’s more to impress other men then it is to attract a female. They want to look ripped so they’ll impress other guys about how tough they are.
“You see this six-pack of abs, buddy? Yeah, I could take you so don’t even think about it.”
That’s right, it’s that old competitive thing surfacing again. In a previous blog I mentioned how men are always competitive and women often see it as childish and aggressive. When a guy hits a gym to lift a few weights it’s so he can compete with the other males and flaunt his toughness/muscles.
Oh sure, there are some of these males who also want to attract a female. They might parade on muscle beach in front of some bikinis that are beckoning, but they are more of the exception. As noted in another blog, women are just as superficial as men, but while we men look for hot bodies, they look for large wallets. Even men who get fit know this, but they often want an alternate way to make an approach.
Of course, there are men who don’t want to be in this competition and are content with their beer bellies. They’ll suck in their guts when a woman walks by, hoping it will impress her enough so he can whip out his gold credit card and really make an impact.
The majority though take part in the competition, although on different levels. Some go full tilt and hit the gym, run, lift weights and really make an effort. The other spectrum are the guys who will just try to eat one less hamburger to lose a few pounds here and there and cross their fingers that when they go to play golf with other males, those males will be impressed that he still fits in his last pair of golf shorts.
So if you are a female and want to try to get on a guy’s good side, you could compliment him on his physique. He may appreciate that, but remember, he’s really trying to determine if the guy behind you thinks he's tough. It’s just like how us guys can compliment our significant other about the dress she decided on, but she’s really trying to impress that female waitress who will wait on you at the restaurant.
Same game, just different equipment.
Ah, James Thurber