Back in the 80s a great bar to hit in Austin was
The Back Room. A gigantic place divided into two halves. One side a game room
with pool tables, video games, air hockey, etc.; the other a music venue. The
bands that played ranged from headbangers to blues. I saw all sorts of groups
from The Genitorturers, Anthrax and The Cramps, to Al Stewart, The ThunderBirds and Tragically Hip. For
the most part though, I'd say the flavor was hard rock. The Back Room was
popular with bikers after all.
I mainly hung out on the music side, but between
sets or if I didn't want to pay the cover I'd hang in the game room. Although
it could be loud in there too, it was the place I often tried to pick up women
because I could hear them.

Although she had seemed intriguing, that gigantic
tattoo turned me off. Back in those days most women didn't have much in
the way of ink. Well, unless they were biker chicks.
I also had a double-hit mindset against it
because I had grown up as a youth in the middle-American Midwest. Us
God-fearing whitebread kids were taught by our elders that men who had tattoos
were either old sailors (which was deemed acceptable but you could still smirk)
or else criminals or carny folk (not acceptable). Obviously, to these
people, it was impossible to think that a female would sport a tattoo. Tsk, tsk was the phrase used when you
passed a person such as this (people back then were PC—not prone to being
jerks—before that became a way of behaving).
However, besides my youthful brainwashing, I had
another reason I didn't like the idea of tattoos. Way back then a horrible man
named Richard Speck butchered eight young nurse trainees in a dormitory. I
distinctly remember the police saying we'd be able to identify him if we saw
him because of a “Born to raise Hell” tattoo on his shoulder. Oh, it wasn't the
tattoo that caught my attention, it was that a tattoo was a way for you to be
Now before you say that I obviously had been
thinking about a life of crime and so didn't want to give myself away, it
really was because I was slowly getting radical ideas. I also realized that
ideas often scared people, and so radical ideas could get you into trouble no
matter that we lived in the "land of the Free." Yeah, the
Vietnam years. My ideas weren't really anti-war thoughts though, but
that's for a later discussion.
This anti-tattoo concept also followed me into
the army. There was tremendous pressure to get a tattoo or two if you
were in the military. I had a friend who went nuts about them, even had a
contest of sorts with another of his friends to see who could get the most.
This was before the day when you could get full arm tats. They were all
individual things. So I got a lot of pressure from him as well as my other army
buds. On several drunken nights I almost succumbed to the most common (in my
unit) "82nd Airborne" insignia tattoo. But I resisted.
In the army I really had become a big radical
threat to the establishment because I dared to advocate for enlisted people's rights. I figured that any day some general would decide I must be incarcerated
on some trumped up charge, so no way would they ID me by a tattoo.
So I escaped the military tattoo-less and carried
those same concepts well into the 80s, 90s and 00s. A gigantic Panther tattoo
could only mean trouble and just didn't spur my sexual desires enough to give
me the courage to throw a line her way.
Nowadays tattoos are the rage with today's
hipsters. It's a common sight to see men AND women sporting complete arm/leg/body
ink. Where in the old days even a peek of ink under the shirtsleeve could
result in the job applicant getting shown the door, now it's accepted—or at
least tolerated.

However, it will take some major adjustment to
ever get me excited about a prospective date who has tattooed her entire life's
history on her back; or have a dragon shooting fire on one arm toward a knight
on the other; or a gigantic cobra slithering up one leg and a mongoose on the
other. Yes, a little too much ink for me.
Some brainwashing just can’t be undone.
(okay, you young readers may not have gathered that the title of this blog is a play-on-words referring to INXS. Yes, another 80s band; yes, I know I'm in a rut. No, they have nothing to do with tattoos although I'm sure they had one or two).
Eh, I bet this brainwashing could be undone. But as you're still not limiting yourself that much, you can probably survive with it.
ReplyDeleteIn other tattoo news, I recently heard that the person who created (and copyrighted) the tattoo on Mike Tyson's face is suing the creators of "Mike Tyson Mysteries" for using that tattoo in their cartoon recreation of Mike Tyson without their permission.
Well, I can't find evidence that this is true, but he did sue the makers of "The Hangover 2" because a character had a copy of that tattoo. And even though the copy was not very good (see pictures here:, he probably still got a pile of money because the case was settled out of court (
So, be even more careful about copyrighted tattoos than non-copyrighted ones, yikes.
Hi Debbie, thanks for commenting. I never thought about a tattoo being copyrighted, but it is artwork after all. I think because of the slight variations possible it normally would be hard to win in court. The exception is as you noted, big corporations (movies, etc.) who don't want the publicity nor drawn out court cases so they usually settle.
ReplyDeleteI'm slowly getting over my childhood brainwashing, but still say "ugh" when I see a full arm/leg tattoo. They're sort of like the Hummer of cars: big, obnoxious and ugly.
Heh, well you don't have to like everything.
ReplyDeleteMy mom once felt that pierced ears were something that only loose woman had. Now she has pierced ears herself! And she let my sister get her ears pierced before she was eighteen! So, there's more evidence of someone getting over brainwashing.
I sometimes like big tattoos, but I've only seen them on strangers (on the bus, in restaurants), so I haven't had to think about how I'd feel dating someone who had that. Mostly I think it's weird that it's so permanent and big. It seems safer to make big statements with clothing, accessories, and hair dye or wigs!
Agreed. A lot of people don't seem to realize that tattoos are scars (scar filled with ink). They're on your body for good. I have enough scars.
ReplyDeleteHeh. Yes, the unplanned scars are a whole different thing!