Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Eyes Up Here

It’s a classic line on all TV comedies, brought about by a buxom female standing in front of a man.  “Hey, eyes up here, buster!” She says as she looks sternly up at the guy. The implication being that he is looking at her breasts and not into her eyes.

It draws a big laugh because usually the guy isn’t looking where she thinks. He’s just some hapless guy or foil to the actress. When the scene unfolds, he’ll look stunned that she even thought that and mumble something incoherent as he scrambles off screen.

This happens in the regular world too. Perhaps without the woman being so aggressive or the guy being meek, but it happens regularly.

The problem though is that although the male may like the female form, he’s not really focusing on the breasts, he’s just looking downward. That’s right, the male is often taller than the female and so is looking down.

Now, I like tall women, and sometimes even fantasize about running into a gorgeous Amazon warrior who will ride up to me on her stallion and grab me by the collar and take me back to her lair.

However, most of my life I’ve gone out with, worked with or just hung around with females who were shorter. So, I looked down. No, not in disdain, but physically looked down at her (mainly into her eyes).
In the US, the average height of men is 5 feet 9 inches, while the average for women is 5 feet 4 inches.

In other words, it’s not uncommon for men to be looking down when talking to women. So do men’s eyes wander farther down? Possibly.  So do women hope that men are looking down there? That could also be possible. 



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